Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beautiful modern chapel...

Image found via m.inc,  photographer unknown


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Recipe of the month from Madsens....

Norwegian “Kjøttkaker”/Meatballs
This month we will keep the food Norwegian inspired and one of the best loved Norwegian dishes are their beef meatballs.....
This recipe serves 4 people.
 500g minced beef, 1 egg, 0.1 l milk, 2 tbsp potato flour, 200g finely chopped onion, season with salt, pepper, muscat nut and ginger powder
How to make:
 Mix the meat, egg, onion, potato flour and spices with a mixer for about 3 minutes. Then add the milk little by little and mix again until you have a smooth mixture. Put the meat mixture in the fridge for an hour. Form the meat to round balls (little larger then a golf ball) and pan-fry them until golden. Following this, you boil them in water for about 10 minutes or until they are finished. They should be cooked all the way through.
 Sieve the water you used to boil the meatballs in. The fry some onions in a pot and once golden pour some of the “meatballs stock” over. Let it boil for five minutes and gradually thicken with flour. Season to taste with salt, pepper and colour with gravy browner.
Serve the meatballs in the gravy and enjoy with new potatoes and seasonal vegetables

With thanks from Madsen - A Scandinavian Restaurant in London



Monday, May 23, 2011

Beautiful house in London...

When I first saw these pictures I thought oh my goodness, this is very almost 

how I envisage my eventual London house to be.  This architects home is a 

fine example of my favourite Dinesen floors in a quintessential English period

 property. The furniture is beautiful and the detailing is just right.  Perfect.

Find the work of James Macdonald Wright here

Images found via Boligmagasinet



Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy weekend for me....

I am excited to have my close friends gather together tomorrow for a house

 warming garden party in my new London apartment.   I am busy preparing

 some yummy goodies and stopping every now and then to water the plants

 or do a bit of work - and will in a minute pop out for an iced coffee ♥.....I am

 very lucky to have a Starbucks at the end of my road ;-)  Okay so about todays

 post.....I've posted their work before, because it is simply divine.  

Have an amazing weekend!

Photos: Sister Agency, found via Global Atelier

 L O V E N O R D I C 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Love these....

.........................................................................                                        ♥♥♥


Thursday, May 19, 2011

How romantic?


Glänsa, design by: Ola Wihlborg for Ikea


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today I'm enjoying....

.....these shots from Ferm living, some of them for the S/S 2011

 collection and some that have been around for a while.  I'm loving

 the use of raw wood and white (my favourite combination at the

 moment), the styling in general is fantastic and the kids fabric prints

 are just beautiful. 

For a great selection of Ferm Living products visit Nordinary

l o v e n o r d i c 



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer cabin in the woods...

Something very different from yesterdays summer cabin post....

A cosy cabin deep in the woods in Northern Zealand, Denmark

that has been lovingly restored by the owners Stine and Henry

in a traditional log cabin style....

the walls are home to their amazing art collection.

Its no surprise that they spend all their summers here......

Read more about this lovely home here

Monday, May 16, 2011

Its nearly summer house season!

I am very excited as I have been invited

to spend in week in my friend's

summer house in Sweden this July.

I can't wait for swimming in the lake and

long summer evenings with lots of

chatting, relaxing & eating (Maria is a domestic goddess)

I am counting the days down.....

Here is some summer house inspiration

by Johannes Norlander Architects

from Sweden

I love the use of plywood throughout, its just beautiful.

Images via: Dezeen
Photos by: Rasmus Norlander

...............................................♡♡♡ lovenordic

My internet is down!!

Sincere apologies for a my lack

of posts....my internet has still not been

installed in my new place and it is

driving me crazy!

So another short post today, but hopefully

I'll be back later on today when it is all fixed.

I hope you had a happy weekend lovely readers ♥

P.S. I am trying to fix my 'blue' links too....

Image found via: Grass Roots Modern
Mid Century style Carmichael Sofa from Gus Modern s/s 2011


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Love this....

Available at: Kraum


Monday, May 9, 2011

Dala horse

I have wanted some Dala Horses

for some time and love this

white one....

....on the list :)

Found on: Remodelista



Nice bedrooms....

I hope you all had a very nice weekend

whether it was relaxing or busy.

Here is a mixed selection of bedrooms for

you this very sunny Monday morning.

Enjoy and see you tomorrow...or maybe before

if I can't keep away :)

● just click the image for the source ●


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Very yummy flat in Norway...

The chances are that you have seen this

as I found it over on

Emmas amazing design blog

but I wanted to post it here as

it's very inspirational in many ways.

I love the white walls, the floors and

all of that lovely Scandinavian light!

Enjoy lovely people!