Thursday, January 31, 2013

Whaling in Iceland

I don't generally use this blog to spread word about causes that are important to me.

But in this case I feel like I cannot not play my part in spreading the word.

Whales (and all animals actually)  have alway been and will always have a huge

place in my heart.  Being half Icelandic, I have had to endure many a debate with

Icelandic relatives and friends who in the past and also sometimes now, see nothing

wrong in whaling.  It has been a tradition for a very long time and I remember vividly

driving past whaling stations and seeing the results of the slaughter which I will never

 forget. I was often made to feel like some kind of Greenpeace Eco-Maniac, because I 

felt so strongly about this issue and did not hold back in getting my opinion across, 

even as a child. 

Now in 2013 it seems that Iceland may be beginning to realise that whaling has no 

place in this century.  The methods of slaughter are absolutely horrendous and it is

 heartbreaking to watch.  The suffering of these magnificent creatures could not be

worse and it absolutely has to stop.  Please please do something today which could

help put this barbaric, old fashioned, intolerable cruelty in the past.  Iceland has an

amazingly modern, civilised society that is so proud of its amazing nature.  The pride

 in their nature needs to be extended into the sea!

AND now they are even talking about a whale sanctuary! What a potential turn around!

Please go to this link or click the image and it will take you through to the petition site.

Thank you so much!



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Good day, sunshine

Is it still January? Its just that I swear from being out and about today,

 it feels like March or April! I bounded out of the gym this morning

with a spring in my step.  The sun is streaming through into my work

space and wow what an effect it has on those endorphins! Happy me :)

So with that, here are some sunny, bright, happy images...

Images: via, via, via, via


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Here is a sneak preview...

of Bynords new collection, which has been styled and shot to perfection.

Beautifully rustic with that distinctive nordic feel.  What do you think


Bynord is available in my shop


This space is...

A dream space don't you think? My creative mind is in overdrive looking 

at this space!  Everything here does it for me, the whiteness of the walls, 

the form of the stair case, the pale floor and those raw, bleached beams.


Images: Kirchplatz Office/Residence by Oppenheim Architecture+Design , via STIL INSPIRATION blog


Monday, January 28, 2013


It's been on my favourites list for years....

Seriously.  How beautiful?


Made by Foscarini


At home in Paris with...

Patrick Giles + Dorothée Boissier who run an architecture and design practice.

This house has a definite air of Parisian elegance about it.  

To me it's pure glamour. 


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Danish Design Store....

I am so happy that the Danish Design Store have joined up with me again

to offer my readers a 10% discount off their very amazing products!

I will keep you updated as plenty of new pieces are coming in :)

....and remember they ship internationally.

Here are my top picks today.

Happy, sunny, Sunday!

Caravaggio Pendants by Light Years

Egg Chair in brown leather *sigh*



Friday, January 25, 2013

Beautiful rugs, beautifully styled....

I spotted these over on one of my favourite blogs, Solid Frog

and wanted to share them with you.  I think they are

...................................................SIMPLY STUNNING

..... another item added to my ever increasing wish list :)


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stunning work by Japanese photographer and artist

Hiroshi Sugimoto

This work as an almost unearthly, Icelandic feel to it....




Tuesday, January 22, 2013


....I am in a cooking mood and am going to make something warming and nutritious

for my sick boyfriend (man cold). I am fighting the temptation to have a day pottering

on the computer, blog surfing, searching for inspiration and maybe sending the odd 

email, but unfortunately I have the mundane task of completing my tax return and one

 of my new years resolutions was not to leave it to the last minute *sigh*.

Here is some kitchen inspiration for you today.  I am soon to have my kitchen finished;

 I know, it's been ages! but we are nearly there.  I've just decided on the tiles for the floor

 and I am very happy with my decision.  As my apartment is over 100 years old,  I want 

to install a kitchen that combines modern function with an old worn-in look too.  This is

 what I achieved in the bathroom...sometimes people don't know if we installed it new or 

if it's the original - Mission accomplished!   I will post some shots on my Instagram soon :)

all via



Monday, January 21, 2013

At home with....

I don't have words for how stunning I think this home is....

It belongs to Danish fashion designer Naja Munthe

and was shot for her book by Martin Koldby. 

♥..... lovenordic

Captivating work by Sonia MariaLuce Possentini

♡....... lovenordic

Friday, January 18, 2013

It's a snow day!

 I'm loving the snow today - a time for home-made soup, warm drinks and cosy time :)

.........................................      Please let there be more...


Friday, January 11, 2013

Lovely styling and photography..

from Tine K's  spring/summer 2013 collection.

What yummy inspiration :)



Thursday, January 10, 2013


add a beautiful dimension to clothes, graphics, interiors - I'm still a huge fan.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More beautiful imagery....

The images that I've been posting this week must be representative of my mood.

I am drawn towards, simple, beautiful photography - maybe because I have a list

as long as my arm of things to do and they are calming.  I found these amazing

 shots over on this blog.





This is a happy day

 L O V E N O R D I C

Tuesday, January 8, 2013






via (sorry unknown)

via (sorry unknown)


Monday, January 7, 2013

Can you stick to yours?

So it feels to me like this week really is the beginning of the new year.

Work has started properly and I feel like I'm back in the real world

which is really nice, as there is such as thing as too much relaxation!

Did you give yourself any new years resolutions?

Here are mine - time for some self discipline :)

To master the art of
beautiful baking, I'm actually a pretty decent cook, but never really
baked much...

More travelling, I've
travelled a lot, but have not been any where new for a long time.

To work with plenty of time
before deadlines to avoid panic (what can I say, I thrive on the pressure!)

To take a photography
course (which I am going to blog about and show my progress... I hope!)

To see my family more -
life is so busy at times.

To get to Iceland at least
twice, spending most of that time in the nature.

To re-start and keep up with my piano lessons.

To give blood as often as I

Do some life drawing and
sculpture classes - this has been something I've wanted to do for years

....and finally a boring
one that's on every list I should imagine - stick to my gym workouts!

TELL ME YOURS!.................................



Friday, January 4, 2013

Midnight sun Iceland video...


What are your new years resolutions? 

I'm going to tell you mine later...

Over to another subject, close to my heart...have you been to Iceland? 

If not, you simply should!  I think I can safely say that I am not being

 biased when I say that I think it is the most captivating, surreal and 

beautiful country in the world...I've only returned from there but need

 to get my fix again very soon!